Boys On Bowsprit
Sunda Kelapa Harbour, North Jakarta Indonesia. These large sailing ships carry cargo between the islands of Indonesia. They carry everything from lumber to motorcycles to bags of cement. Here the children of the area are getting ready to dive from the bowsprit to the water below.
Sunda Kelapa Harbour, North Jakarta Indonesia. These large sailing ships carry cargo between the islands of Indonesia. They carry everything from lumber to motorcycles to bags of cement. Here the children of the area are getting ready to dive from the bowsprit to the water below.
- Year: 1997
- Location: Sunda Kelapa Harbour, Jakarta, Indonesia
- Camera: Nikon F90x
- Lens: Nikkor 80-200 AF-D F2.8
- F Stop: F8
- ISO: 100
- Shutter Speed: 1/250
- Capture Method: