
Fire on Oak

While working early this morning I smelled smoke. I thought my computer finally ate the big one. No such luck, it turned out to be the new condos being built across the parking lot. I grabbed the camera and ran out to grab a few pictures. The flames were out but they still had the water running from the big ladder truck. Made for an interesting shot. Had to crank the D200 up to ISO 1600 for this one. Hand held and cropped a little.

Update: According to the news this was 12 condos under construction that went up in flames. Arson is suspected.

While working early this morning I smelled smoke. I thought my computer finally ate the big one. No such luck, it turned out to be the new condos being built across the parking lot. I grabbed the camera and ran out to grab a few pictures. The flames were out but they still had the water running from the big ladder truck. Made for an interesting shot. Had to crank the D200 up to ISO 1600 for this one. Hand held and cropped a little.
Update: According to the news this was 12 condos under construction that went up in flames. Arson is suspected.
  • Year: 2007
  • Location: Torrance, CA
  • Camera: Nikon D200
  • Lens: Nikkor 35-70 AF-D F2.8
  • F Stop: F2.8
  • ISO: 1600
  • Shutter Speed: 1/15
  • Capture Method:

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