(Duties performed beyond what is stated in the Constitution and By-Laws)
- Preside over Club and Board of Directors meetings.
- Understand and apply the Robert’s Rules of Order at business meetings.
- Act as the official SBCC spokesperson.
- Appoint chairperson for each respective committee.
- Monitor, supervise and oversee club activities as necessary.
- Appoint an Elections Committee four months prior to the election of new officers.
- Manage the reservation of the club meeting room with Torrance Airport Administration.
- Liaison with Torrance Airport Administration regarding matters pertaining to SBCC.
- Field complaints and misunderstandings from club members.
- Reply to inquiries from members and non-members looking for information about SBCC and refer correspondence and messages to Membership Chair.
- Write the annual SBCC President newsletter for publication on the SBCC website.
- Assume the president’s duties when the president is not available.
- Coordinate special projects as assigned by the President.
- Collect and maintain record of annual membership dues paid.
- Coordinate active membership payments with the club Membership Chair.
- Check the SBCC P.O. Box for general mail, billing invoices and dues.
- Track all financial transactions, income, and expenses.
- Submit a monthly Budget and Cash Flow statement to the Board.
- Maintain a record of the SBCC bank account.
- File annual Tax Filings to IRS (IRS Federal Form 990-N) and State of California (FTB State of California Form 199N), both due in July of each year.
- Retain a hard copy of both filings.
- Provide all records to the incoming Treasurer.
- Keep records of the minutes of all meetings
- Notify members of special meetings and events
- Conduct correspondence of the club.
- Prepare ballots for the elections.
- Print Images
- Accept prints and verify compliance with Print Image rules, and sort according to numerical order.
- Obtain digital files of print images, and a written list of submitters file numbers.
- Set up SBCC computer, projector, easel, and lights.
- Digital Images
- Populate all submitted Digital Images and burn to thumb drive.
- Utilize SBCC computer and projector to present digital images for evaluation.
- Awards are presented based on the number of votes digital and print submissions receive for the season, August through May.
- Monitor voting throughout the year, update the board on results and identify any website problems.
- Identify and package plaques for presentation at the awards banquet. Deliver plaques to president prior to or at the awards banquet for presentation at the banquet. Any remaining plaques that are not delivered, mail to the club member.
- End voting in late May, allow time to procure brass plaques prior to the awards banquet. All ties receive a plaque for their respective finish. Individual print and digital winners have the image name engraved on the plaque.
- Maintain a supply of wooden plaques for new recipients of an award. Procure brass plaques for all winners to be presented at the June banquet.
- The Awards Banquet is scheduled for the 4th Monday of June, beginning at 6 PM.
- The Christmas Banquet is scheduled for the 2nd Monday of December, beginning at 6 PM.
- Restaurant selection, coordination and reservation must be accomplished 3 to 4 months in advance of each banquet. Typical reservation is for 60 members and guests.
- Coordinate volunteers
- Contact photography stores and distributors (Paul’s, Silvio’s, Samy’s, Hunt’s, B & H, etc.) requesting product donations which are used as banquet raffle prizes.
- Form a committee of volunteers to help decorate the room, tables, and lay out the raffle prizes the afternoon of the banquet.
- At the conclusion of the banquet, make sure to tip the wait staff for their service.
- Submit all income and expense receipts to the SBCC Treasurer.
- Greet and introduce visitors to the members at the SBCC general meeting.
- Respond, either directly or by email, to questions pertaining to the SBCC (received by President).
- Send an appropriate card (congratulatory or sympathy) to SBCC member.
- Select a SBCC “featured photographer” each year and publish their bio and sample photographs on the SBCC website.
- Maintain and disseminate a membership roster monthly to the Board.
- Coordinate active membership payments with the club Treasurer.
- Provide new members with a “Welcome Letter”.
- Assist the Website Chairperson with any membership issues pertaining to the website.
- Change membership status within the club website as necessary.
- Assist any member having a membership issue.
- Gather notes and news about SBCC activities and produce a newsletter.
- Disseminate the newsletter to the entire SBCC membership via email.
- Verify accuracy of the membership email addresses with the Secretary.
- Send a notice of the upcoming general membership meeting to all members the week prior to such meeting and the day of the meeting.
- The Nominating Committee is tasked to present a slate of officers to the SBCC membership yearly for election.
- The positions to be voted upon are: President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer.
- The Nominating Committee will consist of three or more paid club members.
- The committee is formed six months before the election.
- A majority of 51% of the votes is required for the election.
- If no candidate receives 51% of the votes, a run-off of the top two candidates will occur.
- Voting will occur on the second Tuesday of June each year.
- Evaluators / Presenters
- At least three months in advance of the meeting identify, select, and schedule evaluators and presenters.
- Confirm their scheduled appearances one or two weeks in advance of their appearance dates.
- Evaluators / Presenters
- Create and maintain an email distribution list of presenters and evaluators that were acceptable to the board.
- After the presentation or photo review, provide the Treasurer with the mailing address or other payment instructions to facilitate the honorarium payment.
- Zoom
- Set up the Zoom link for all club activities, including board meetings, presentations, and photo review meetings.
- Provide the presenter/evaluator with the applicable Zoom link approximately one week prior to the meeting.
- Provide the appropriate link to the Newsletter coordinator for distribution approximately one week prior to the Zoomed event.
- For board Meetings, provide the applicable Zoom link to the Board and Committee chairs approximately one week prior to the meeting. Email the Zoom link to the entire membership the day of the Board meeting.
- When applicable, prepare the Zoom video file recorded during the meeting. Provide the link (YouTube or other) to Website chair to add to the SBCC website as appropriate.
- Maintain the Zoom software as required.
- Each PSA member club must designate a PSA Club Rep upon membership application, providing a mailing address, email, phone number, and web URL. The Rep is changeable anytime and should ideally be a PSA member, as they serve as the liaison.
- SBCC Club Rep Responsibilities:
- (i) Share the PSA Journal to SBCC members monthly.
- (ii) Forward SBCC’s PSA membership invoice to the Treasurer for prompt payment.
- (iii) Email the PSA Projector newsletter to SBCC officers, board, and members. (On hold)
- (iv) Check the PSA Club Services webpage for updates to share.
- (v) Present monthly at SBCC meetings on new PSA benefits and opportunities.
- (vi) Help SBCC members with PSA online membership applications.
- (vii) Promote SBCC’s participation in PSA Interclub Competitions.
- (viii) Support SBCC in sponsoring high school students for the PSA Youth Showcase.
- (ix) Encourage SBCC members to enter the PSA Annual Exhibition.
- (x) Alert SBCC to PSA Exhibitions and encourage entries.
- (xi) Guide SBCC members on PSA Exhibition records, Division Stars, and ROPA.
- (xii) Collaborate with the PSA team to recruit members and earn Membership Stars.
- The primary purpose is to implement ideas and actions which will potentially lead to expanding the membership of SBCC. An interrelated task will be to explore other potential activities that can help generate increased revenue.
- The team’s chairperson will attend board meetings.
- The team is authorized to take action to complete its assignment that does not conflict with the current club guidelines.
- Regularly report the progress, recommendations, and actions implemented to the board.
- The team chairman will report progress to the Board and get their suggestions, and approval for certain actions, for example, those requiring club expenditures.
- As needed or desirable, the team is authorized to contact the club membership (e.g., via mass email) to solicit suggestions or other information to accomplish its objectives.
- The PR team is expected to meet regularly via Zoom or in person.
- Send publicity releases and other PR material to select newspapers and other organizations of upcoming public meetings and other events.
- Maintain a list of email addresses and URLs for recipients of PR material.
- Distribute a signup sheet during meetings as required for members to volunteer to bring the refreshments for a future meeting.
- Email the list to the membership periodically so members can also sign up remotely.
- Approximately one week prior to each meeting, remind the assigned member to bring the refreshments.
- Keep the list current and report on its status at the board meeting.
- Set up dates for scope of Scavenger Hunt captures.
- Select due date for members to submit their entries.
- Select a date, with consultation with the Board, to present entries at a SBCC meeting.
- Pick 10 categories for the captures, to include self-photo.
- Layout the guidelines (may vary from year to year).
- Produce a flyer of information (categories, guidelines, judging criteria, etc.)
- Choose the date to distribute the flyer to the general membership.
- Email a copy of the flyer to the editor of the SBCC Newsletter, and Website Admin.
- After all entries are submitted, develop a presentation.
- Select official judge(s) of the entries.
- Tally the scores of the judge(s).
- Announce the winner on the evening of the presentation to the general membership.
- Slide Shows (INTERIM)
- Collect and coordinate the viewing of all member-submitted slide shows for the two annual banquets and any other event that will include member slide shows.
- Ensure the slide show files are ready to be viewed at the event.
- Responsible for the delegation, coordination, and promotion of SBCC short day trips.
- Select a destination either by recommendation or self-interest.
- Delegate research and preparation to volunteers
- In some cases, travel to the destination in advance of trip for the purposes of preparation.
- Select a date for the trip.
- If necessary, call appropriate authorities at the destination to receive permission, and to check the local rules.
- Locate a restaurant at or near the destination for the group lunch.
- Determine the best directions from the South Bay to the destination.
- Determine when and where to meet at the destination.
- Announce the trip at the regular SBCC meeting 1 to 2 weeks in advance and ask interested members to sign- up with their name, phone number and email address.
- A week prior to the trip date, send an email to all members who have signed up, giving them all the pertinent information.
- At the SBCC meeting prior to the trip date, remind participating members of the date.
- Suggest to participating members that they are welcome to carpool with one another.
- Maintain and update the website Home page.
- Maintain and update the Calendar of Events.
- Maintain and update Links of Interest.
- Maintain and update the Contacts page.
- Maintain and update user requests with Board approval.
- Interface with the website developer.
- Reconcile and approve billing from the website developer.
- Manage season end closure and season open website requirements.
- Upload the monthly SBCC newsletter.
- Upload the monthly SBCC Board meeting minutes and Treasurer’s report.