Nobel Prize ! Here I come
At last, a low angle shot that helps to explain how
the racing rocks at the ‘Race Track’ in Death Valley
move. Seen here by moon light and image intensifier scope.
He was baited to the camera with a small pile of
industrial diamond dust. This should win me the Nobel Prize
given that they gave one to Al Gore for nearly the same level of
At last, a low angle shot that helps to explain how the racing rocks at the 'Race Track' in Death Valley move. Seen here by moon light and image intensifier scope. He was baited to the camera with a small pile of industrial diamond dust. This should win me the Nobel Prize given that they gave one to Al Gore for nearly the same level of truthfulness
- Year: 2007
- Location: Death Valley, Ca
- Camera: custom low level
- Lens: 2000mm
- F Stop: f1.2 equiv
- ISO: 6000
- Shutter Speed: 1/30
- Capture Method: